Frank is a quirky, ingenious, hyperactive gear head. There is nothing he likes more than compulsively putting gear through his patented adventure tourism toughness test. Always seeking the best and most sustainable materials to allow us to feel at one and comfortable in our environment he is of the ones that believe that there is no bad weather only bad gear! Passionate outdoorsman himself he’s guided everywhere on North America and has led some the earliest trips we’ve ever offered. His lifelong battle with a severe Tetris addiction has forced us to review and reimagine the ways we have been packing our gear boxes and trailers. With Frank everything has a place, and everything is in its place – he likes things to be neat and tidy and it’s greatly thanks to him that we feel we have the best possible gear set out there. Just come check it out for yourself. And just like his gear Frank prides himself in being dependable and having his colleagues know that you can always count on him when the time comes.
My posts
My favorite trips
- 10 Days of living at the river’s pace, completely immersed and at one with nature
- Certified guides that live to share their passion and knowledge about a sport and an environment that they love
- The gradually increasing level of difficulty of the river that allows you to progress, learn and master new skills
- Canoe
- The majestic beauty of the Purcell Mountains, Colombia wetlands and Glacier National Park
- Locally owned and incredibly unique accommodations
- An exclusive slower paced itinerary that explores the best and most challenging hikes of the area
- Camping, Canoe, Hiking